Ohio Warrant Searches

Look up warrant records in Ohio online and get a full report in minutes. All you need is a name and state to start your search.

If you have a warrant in the State of Ohio, law enforcement officers have permission to arrest you, detain you, and book you into the county jail. If they obtain a search warrant the authorities can legally go to your home, break down the door and search the premises for you.

Police do not need a warrant to arrest any person if:

  • They are caught in the act of a crime
  • There is sufficient probable cause to determine the involvement of a crime
  • An eyewitness identifies a suspect and points them out to the police

In the event of an arrest, the subject will most likely go to jail to face charges against them.

If you believe that you or somebody that you know has an active arrest warrant, we recommend that you do an Ohio warrant search to know for sure so that you can take action on your own terms.

Active Warrants in the State of Ohio

A warrant is an official court order that gives law enforcement legal permission to act upon the directives written in the warrant. A search warrant will grant officers permission to search personal property, an arrest or bench warrant will grant officers permission to arrest and jail a person on sight.

An active warrant is simply a warrant that has not yet been executed or satisfied by law enforcement. In the event of an active arrest, or bench warrant the police can arrest the subject named in the document:

  • At home
  • At work
  • At school
  • At dinner

Depending on the severity of the crime and the circumstances surrounding it police can either make an arrest a priority or not. In any event, a person with an active warrant is subject to search or arrest at any time, depending on the orders listed on the warrant.

Types of Warrants in Ohio

The actions that are demanded in the details of the warrant will determine the type of warrant that is being issued. There are four different types of warrants that are typically issued in Ohio:

  • Search warrants
  • Arrest warrants
  • Bench warrants
  • Peace warrants

Although warrants are similar in context because they are issued by a judge and are expected to be carried out by the law, the circumstances that surround the reason for the warrant and how it should be carried out will vary.

In any event, once a warrant is signed into action the only way to satisfy it is for it to be executed, or for a judge to personally sign it off and dismiss it in court.

Search Warrants in Ohio

Police officers do not have permission to search a person or their personal property unless there is a search warrant in play, or the person gives officers permission to search. Certain circumstances will merit the action of a search conducted by police if the police can justify enough probable cause to execute a search.

The Fourth Amendment is in place so that citizens have some protection against aggressive or unlawful police officers conducting unreasonable or illegal search and seizure practices. When a search warrant is executed in Ohio there are specific stipulations that the state imposes on its own that are in line with the United States Constitution.

Some typical reasons that justify a search warrant are:

  • Suspected criminal activity
  • Suspected possession of illegal substances
  • Suspected sales of illegal firearms
  • Suspected abuse of children

The laws that are in place are supposed to balance out the need for personal privacy and the need for community safety. If a person is a threat to the community, officers can use the element of probable cause to initiate a search.

Once a search warrant is issued the only way to satisfy it is to execute a search of the person named in the warrant. The only time a search warrant is considered public information is after it is executed and all evidence has been collected.

Arrest Warrants in Ohio

An officer does not need an arrest warrant to arrest a citizen in Ohio if they witness the suspect engaged in a crime, or if they have sufficient probable cause that indicates that the person has probably committed a crime.

An arrest warrant will be issued when the police or the district attorney requests it from a judge that has determined that there is enough evidence to show there is probable cause.

Arrest warrants are typically issued as a result of:

  • A federal indictment
  • A district attorney files charges
  • Police discover evidence that implicates the subject of a crime
  • An eyewitness reports a crime and identifies the suspect

Once an arrest warrant is active the only way to resolve it is for the named person to appear in court to face the charges against them.

If a person that has an arrest warrant dies before the warrant is executed the warrant will no longer be active.

Bench Warrants in Ohio

In most cases, a bench warrant is signed into action by a judge from the courtroom bench. The reason for the warrant will most likely be from a person failing to comply with a court order. The most common reason for a bench warrant to be issued is failure to appear in court.

Other reasons that bench warrants are issued are:

  • Failure to pay fines on time
  • Failure to show up at work detail
  • Failure to comply with a court sentence

Just like an arrest warrant, if there is an active bench warrant out for a person it will not be satisfied until the warrant is executed. The person named on the warrant will be subject to immediate arrest and incarceration.

In many cases, if a person is aware that they have a bench warrant they can deal with it without having to go to jail, however, they must contact the court and make arrangements to face the judge in court.

Peace Warrants in Ohio

Another type of warrant that an individual can have in the state of Ohio is a peace warrant. Unlike arrest warrants or search warrants when a judge issues a peace warrant, it is because there is a threat to the safety of an individual.

A peace warrant can turn into a bench warrant if the named individual fails to appear in front of the judge.

If an individual makes a complaint against another individual on the grounds that they feel threatened by the other individual the judge can issue the peace warrant in order to question the named subject in an attempt to bring peace to the situation.

Reasons to do Regular Warrant Searches

Depending on the way that you view your surroundings and lifestyle there can be a number of reasons to regularly do warrant searches. In one aspect, knowing whether or not there is an active warrant out for your arrest, or the arrest of somebody you care about you can protect yourself from being arrested by police and taken to jail unexpectedly.

In another light, if you want to know whether or not the people around you are wanted for crimes that might endanger you or your family you will have the information that is necessary to inform the police and keep yourself safe.

Either way, knowing about the existence of warrants can be a crucial dynamic to ensure safety for yourself, and the people you surround yourself with.

***Regardless of which state you live in it is always wise to contact an attorney for any questions that you may have when it comes to warrant laws or any other legal concerns. The content found on this website is only for informational purposes and is not to be mistaken for legal advice.